Monday, March 12, 2012

Molly's story

For those of you who didn't follow Molly's story on Facebook, here it is:

I found Molly in Southeast Dallas, eating garbage by the side of the road. She had sores all over her body, very little fur, and was emaciated.

The crazy thing is, I took her straight to the vet and they scanned her for a microchip, as a matter of course. We never thought she'd have one, but she did. It was an SPCA chip, so they called them and got the number of the woman who supposedly owned this dog. They called her and told her they had her dog. She said something like, "My dog? My dog is sitting right here!" When they explained which dog this was she said, "Oh, that dog ran off a year ago. I have another dog now, I don't want that one back." I wish we could press charges against her.

This was what she looked like that day:

As you can see, she was in bad shape. She was also heart worm positive. We decided to wait to treat her for heart worms so that we could get her healthy and raise the money for the very expensive treatment.

Just a few months later, this is how far Molly had come:

Within a month, her hair was grown back, the sores were gone and she was starting to get barrel chested. And she demonstrated this odd twisty ear thing that endears her to everyone. She made herself at home with our 3 other dogs and our 5 cats and soon demonstrated her extreme intelligence. Whenever she had to go to the vet for a stay they had to put a lock on her cage because she could break out of all of them.

What's amazing to me is that this very abused dog allowed me to pick her up the first time I saw her and let me put her in my car. She loved us instantly and asks nothing in return. Well, that's not entirely true: she does require cuddles when there's thunder. She has figured out how to lie perfectly flat between my husband and I when there are storms and bury herself in that space until she feels safe. And safe she is.

Tomorrow, our Sweet Molly Malone is going to the dog park for the first time. She is heart worm free and will be able to play in a large space for the first time in her troubled life. We can't wait! If I can figure out how to do a video, I will.

Thank you to everyone who donated to Molly's cause and spread the word and just loved her for her. She is a testament to your goodness.